iamthecaribou/thecaribouisme, 2014, caribou hair and the artist's hair on elk hide, 8" x 9".

iamthecaribou/thecaribouisme, detail

Billion Dollar Caribou, 2014, caribou hair on elk hide, 20" x 6".
Billion Dollar Caribou, detail

Traces, 2014, caribou antler, caribou hair, and sinew on elk hide, 11" x 20" x 5"
The Caribou's Range, 2014, glass beads and caribou hair on elk hide, 8.5" x 11".
The Caribou's Range, detail
The Caribou's Range, detail
The Artist's Range, 2014, glass beads and caribou hair on elk hide, 8.5" x 11".
The Artist's Range, detail